Some Questions we often get asked
What style of riding do you do?
How do I judge my riding ability?
Here are some guidelines to help you judge your riding ability: Beginner: A rider with little or no experience. Novice: A rider who is comfortable and in control at the walk and/or trot but has limited experience trotting and/or cantering. Intermediate: A rider who is confident and in control in all paces (including posting trots, two point canters and gallops), but does not ride regularly. Strong Intermediate: An intermediate rider who is currently riding regularly and is comfortable in the saddle for at least 6 hours per day. Advanced: All of the above plus the ability to handle a spirited horse in open country.
Note: To gallop on a beach you would need to be an advanced rider who is currently riding regularly and is comfortable in the saddle, plus the ability to handle a spirited horse in open country. For novice riders we have a safe controlled area at the yard where you can trot, canter with your horse.
Are Riding hats and boots provided?
Are there weight restrictions?
The health, safety and comfort of both our riders and horses is important to us, for these reasons weight restrictions are required. Weight restrictions may vary depending on; level of riding ability, height and fitness. Our instructors reserve the right to refuse riders in the interest of safety. We appreciate your understanding concerning this matter.
Weight Restrictions:
Male: 210lbs / 17 stone / 95kgs
Female: 210lbs / 16 stone / 95kgs
These are the maximum weights based on the rider being competent and fit.
How do I get to you?
How do I pay for my Ride
Once you have confirmation from us of the price you can go ahead and pay a deposit or the full amount on our secure payment page. Click here for the payment page
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